Ovarian Cancer Diet

With can­cer, many peop­le affec­ted rethink their own habits. Diet is part of it, becau­se now many are asking: is my morning cof­fee still good for me? Does it even make me sick if I eat meat or drink milk? In the fol­lowing sec­tion you can find out whe­ther the­re are foods that you should avoid and whe­re cau­ti­on might be appropriate.


Do I have to eat dif­fer­ent­ly after being dia­gno­sed with cancer?


As such, can­cer pati­ents do not requi­re any spe­cial diet. Basi­cal­ly, not only pati­ents but also all tho­se not affec­ted should pay atten­ti­on to a healt­hy and balan­ced diet in order to streng­t­hen their own health. The­re is no spe­ci­fic diet against can­cer cells, even if spe­cial can­cer diets are repeated­ly pro­mo­ted in the press. The­re are inde­ed indi­ca­ti­ons of unfa­vor­able nut­ri­tio­nal influ­en­ces, e.g. through exces­si­ve con­sump­ti­on of refi­ned sugar and fat, which in trig­ge­ring can­cers, can play a role. Howe­ver, the­re is no evi­dence that a par­ti­cu­lar diet can influ­ence a tumor, let alo­ne the cour­se of the can­cer. On the con­tra­ry, most “can­cer diets”, if poor­ly car­ri­ed out, lead to mal­nut­ri­ti­on and mal­nut­ri­ti­on, which can serious­ly end­an­ger the pati­ent. In princip­le, the recom­men­da­ti­ons for a healt­hy diet should not dif­fer from tho­se for peop­le without a mali­gnant dise­a­se. Exces­si­ve alco­hol and nico­ti­ne con­sump­ti­on should in princip­le be restric­ted or com­ple­te­ly avoided. A reduc­tion in obe­si­ty through less high-fat foods and a varied com­po­si­ti­on of food is also use­ful. Several small meals are usual­ly che­a­per than a few lar­ge ones. The meal should take place in a cozy atmo­s­phe­re and the­re should be enough time to eat. The influ­ence of the­se social aspects should not be unde­re­sti­ma­ted when it comes to nut­ri­ti­on. The fol­lowing are also recom­men­ded: reduc­tion of fre­quent meat con­sump­ti­on, use of who­le grain pro­ducts, regu­lar con­sump­ti­on of fruit and vege­ta­bles. In gene­ral, fresh pro­ducts (e.g. milk) should be con­su­med. Pre­ser­ved foods and nuts that are no lon­ger per­fect should be avoided. If signi­fi­cant seg­ments of the intes­ti­ne have been remo­ved during sur­ge­ry or if the­re are diges­ti­ve pro­blems, spe­cial die­ta­ry recom­men­da­ti­ons may be necessa­ry. The­se should be worked out pro­fes­sio­nal­ly with your doc­tors and their nut­ri­ti­on teams.


A maga­zi­ne recom­mends taking high-dose vit­amin sup­ple­ments, what do you think?


The eupho­ria regar­ding the inta­ke of vit­amins is based on the “anti­oxi­dant theo­ry” of vit­amins A, C, E as sup­po­sed “can­cer pre­ven­ters”. Its effec­ti­ve­ness is based on a stu­dy of 29,000 mal­nou­ris­hed Chi­ne­se. In a Fin­nish stu­dy of 30,000 smo­kers, peop­le who recei­ved vit­amin A and E sup­ple­ments alo­ne or in com­bi­na­ti­on even ten­ded to have nega­ti­ve sym­ptoms. Sys­te­ma­tic stu­dies at the renow­ned Ame­ri­can Mayo Cli­nic in Roches­ter could not show any advan­ta­ges of high-dose vit­amin C the­ra­py com­pa­red to the con­trol group that recei­ved no vit­amin C. In addi­ti­on, the­re is even evi­dence that a par­al­lel admi­nis­tra­ti­on of vit­amin C to pla­ti­num-con­tai­ning che­mo­the­ra­py can trig­ger che­mo­the­ra­py resis­tance. Becau­se part of the effect of che­mo­the­ra­py is due to the for­ma­ti­on of so-cal­led free radi­cals, which are cau­sed by cer­tain vit­amins, such as. B. Vit­amin C, can be neutralized.

High doses of vit­amins can, albeit rare­ly, lead to side effects. The­re­fo­re, speak to your doc­tor ear­ly on about pos­si­ble side effects befo­re using any addi­tio­nal can­cer drugs or pro­ce­du­res. Side effects of high-dose vit­amin the­ra­py can inclu­de: flu­id reten­ti­on in the tis­sue, kid­ney stones, colic, diar­r­hea and nausea.


I final­ly want to lose weight, what is the best way to do it?


Nut­ri­tio­nal advice and the­ra­py for onco­lo­gi­cal pati­ents should be based on the gene­ral­ly app­li­ca­ble cri­te­ria (Inter­net at: http://www.krebshilfe.de/wir-informieren/material-fuer- Betroffene/blaue-ratgeber.html).

What is important is the ratio of the tar­get weight to the actu­al weight and how much weight should be lost in which peri­od. Plea­se cla­ri­fy this with your trea­ting doc­tor. A healt­hy diet with ple­nty of well-dosed phy­si­cal exer­cise is the basis for weight loss. Too much weight loss in a very short peri­od of time should be avoided as this puts addi­tio­nal strain on the body.

One-sided diets are also not advi­s­able, as they can cau­se defi­ci­en­cy sym­ptoms. Laxa­ti­ves or diet medi­ca­ti­on are gene­ral­ly not very sui­ta­ble; in any case, the­se mea­su­res must be dis­cus­sed with your doc­tor. When die­ting, you should make sure that you drink enough and con­su­me enough vit­amins and minerals.

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