Half orange, interior facing front, a quarter is filled with white pills the other one with pulp.

Nutrition in Cancer Treatment

As fear­so­me as can­cer may seem, it has important meta­bo­lic vul­nera­bi­li­ties that can be taken advan­ta­ge of for suc­cess­ful treatment.

First and fore­mo­st, can­cer cells make ener­gy anae­ro­bi­cal­ly and as such, can only use glu­co­se as the ener­gy making sub­stra­te. This is why peop­le are always inst­ruc­ted to eli­mi­na­te sugar or carbs from their diet as part of their tre­at­ment. Can­cer cells do not meta­bo­li­ze fat becau­se that requi­res oxi­da­ti­ve meta­bo­lism, which can only be con­duc­ted by mito­chon­dria. In can­cer, mito­chon­dria get sick or die, and the can­cer cells are dedi­ca­ted to anae­ro­bic meta­bo­lism. This makes them, “sugar hungry”, and they beco­me avid in the upt­a­ke of any mole­cu­le that con­tains glu­co­se. Otto War­burg, the Nobel pri­ze win­ning Ger­man bio­che­mist dis­co­ve­r­ed this fact. He also noted that bac­te­ria, viru­ses, fun­gi, can­di­da, and para­si­te infec­ted cells also are anaerobic.

Thus, many alter­na­ti­ve can­cer tre­at­ments take advan­ta­ge of this princip­le. Some tre­at­ments are based on anti-oxidant and pro-oxidant action such as per­oxi­de and high dose Vit­amin C.

So in can­cer tre­at­ments the­re are sub­s­tan­ces that are glu­co­se mimics, which con­tain glu­co­se plus other enti­ties. The­se mole­cu­les are rea­di­ly taken up by can­cer cells but once the glu­co­se is released insi­de the cell, the remai­ning por­ti­on of the mole­cu­le is poi­son­ous to the can­cer cell and its ener­gy meta­bo­lism and will cau­se the cell to star­ve and or pop and die (apo­pto­sis).  

The second thing that has been estab­lis­hed, is that can­cer cells are iron avid. They requi­re 400 times the amount of iron nee­ded as a co-fac­tor in DNA repli­ca­ti­on. Sin­ce can­cer cells do not obey the nor­mal laws of cell cycling, they divi­de “out of turn” orders of magnitu­de fas­ter than a nor­mal cell, which requi­res iron in very high amounts. The­re are com­pounds that have been deve­lo­ped that mimic iron in the meta­bo­lism which can be intro­du­ced by mouth or IV. The­se com­pounds are free­ly taken up by the can­cer cells becau­se they look like iron, but once insi­de the cell, they are not iron, and they do not func­tion as a cofac­tor for DNA repli­ca­ti­on, and in fact, poi­son the acti­vi­ty of ribo­so­mes that are respon­si­ble for the pro­duc­tion of pro­te­ins and so once the ribo­so­mes are poi­son­ed the cell can­not func­tion and the cells will die.

Suggested Supplements

  • Trace mine­rals w/Selenium 200 mg daily.
  • MetO­me­ga Deep sea fish oil 1 tsp daily.
  • CoQ10 60 mg 2x daily.
  • Toco­tri­enol 200 mg in PM with food.
  • Toco­phe­ro­le 200 mg in AM.
  • Pro­bio­tics 50 bil­li­on 3x daily.
  • Vit­amin D 5000 IU 2x daily.
  • Vit­amin A 25,000 IU daily.
  • Vit­amin B com­plex (food based) daily.
  • Woben­zy­me N 3 PO 3x daily.
  • Col­la­gen Pep­ti­des Pow­der 2–3 scoo­ps dai­ly with juices/smoothies.
  • Modi­fied Citrus Pec­tin 5 gm dai­ly in juices.
  • Aga­ri­cus Bla­zeii Mur­ril 2 cap­su­les 2–3x/day.

For more infor­ma­ti­on plea­se see the Web­site of Dr. Schae­fer.

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