Broich Hospitality Group 290 Jahre Erfahrung

The BROICHHOSPITALITYGROUP (BHG) repres­ents a collec­tion of various cor­po­ra­te invest­ments under the umbrel­la of FBV Betei­li­gungs GmbH, a hol­ding com­pa­ny. The mana­ging part­ners are Georg W. Broich (75% share) and Burk­hard Schmitz (25% share).

The ori­gins of BHG can be traced back to the year 1734, which also marks the start of BROICHPREMIUMCATERING when the Drei Köni­ge inn was foun­ded in Kapel­len-Erft. In 1891, Carl Broich deci­ded to lea­ve his par­ents‘ inn and set up a but­cher shop in Düs­sel­dorf with his wife Katha­ri­na. Fol­lowing on from the tra­di­ti­on of more than 250 years, Georg W. Broich took over the fami­ly busi­ness in 1987, the fourth genera­ti­on to do so.

Georg W. Broich and Burk­hard Schmitz have main­tai­ned a clo­se friendship for over 30 years. After Burk­hard Schmitz had worked a lot in the com­pa­ny during his stu­dies and was later clo­se­ly invol­ved in its deve­lo­p­ment, he final­ly joi­ned the com­pa­ny in 2005, beco­m­ing a part­ner in 2006.

In 2012, Georg W. Broich and Burk­hard Schmitz took over the shares in BROICHPREMIUMCATERING pre­vious­ly held by VIBROGRUPPE Mön­chen­glad­bach via the FBV hol­ding company.

After three years con­so­li­da­ting and reori­en­ting the com­pa­ny towards cate­ring for schools and kin­der­gar­tens, con­gres­ses and sta­di­ums with the aim of making the firm less depen­dent on the vola­ti­le sales expe­ri­en­ced in event cate­ring, the decisi­on was made in 2016 to invest in fur­ther com­pa­nies. Today, Rhein­ge­deck (2016), FOODPOL CONCEPT CATERING (2017), Culi­na­ria Gas­tro­no­mie (2018), Venue Plan­ner (2018), Con­zept (2019), Cøf­fe (2019), and #EFP (2019) are among the invest­ments held by BHG.

For more infor­ma­ti­on, plea­se visit the Broich Hos­pi­ta­li­ty Group website.

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